Dog Front-Clip Harness

Front-clip harnesses have the chain connection in the focal point of the pooch's trunk. Coaches frequently pick front-cut tackles to decrease the canine's pulling on the chain. The trunk cut gives the proprietor control over the bearing the pooch is moving and takes into consideration the canine to be diverted to confront the proprietor if necessary. Front-clip harnesses are used generally for all dogs but specifically for medium sized dogs. It is known that they are the best harnesses for pitbull race.


  • They give more control over pulling on the rope, bouncing up or other poor chain conduct. 
  • They give directional controlling, taking into consideration the pooch to be pivoted when required. 


  • Albeit front-cut bridles give more control than most conventional collars or back-clasp tackles, mutts with genuine conduct issues, for example, hostility, may require a mobile apparatus offering extra control, for example, a head strap. (Look for more data in an up and coming article.) 
  • The rope on the front of the trunk can tangle under the puppy's front legs if an excessive amount of slack is given.

Best Front-Clip Harness

SENSE-ation No-Pull Dog Harness - $19.99

Click HERE to view on Amazon

@DogCollar101 Harness for Pitbull, Harness for Dogs
